Kia ora
Welcome to “The Change Makers” – our weekly video series.
In this series our Change Makers share their stories, their thoughts, their ambitions and their actions to leave the earth a better place – to be a Good Ancestor to future generations.
Our planet is experiencing catastrophic environmental harm and it requires us to Think Long Term, beyond our lifetimes, to evaluate our choices and to take actions to ensure a sustainable and healthy future for all.
The stories of those leading the change – The Change Makers – those thinking and acting with long-term vision, are inspirational.
Inspired, we can ask ourselves, “what can we do to be Better Ancestors?”
This week, Better Ancestors visits with Gen De Spa and the Staveley Camp Forest, in the foothills of the Southern Alps, Canterbury, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Gen has a long history as a thinker and a change-maker. At Staveley she has crystallized her thinking around regenerative-practise as a way of being. By regenerating the capacity of the interrelationships between things, both are healed and brought back into their highest performing capacity.
The analogy Gen uses is that by supporting and nurturing the regeneration of a precious remnant of Aotearoa’s once mighty forests, so the people give back to the forest. We are, at the same time, regenerated by the experience of the regenerating forest.
Gen is an inspiring communicator and challenges us to think outside our current paradigms. “This economy is not really working out well for us… It’s for us to figure out how to do this. New economics is not about going back to communism or socialism or something that hasn’t worked already. It’s about pulling all sorts of things together and experimenting and finding out what works in the 21st century.”
Gen presents that “Power-Over is the current world view that sees nature as the enemy, to be subdued. This feeds the business-as-usual paradigm that seeks to extract from the land more than it can comfortably give. We are in transition from Power-Over to Power-With. We must stretch ourselves to put down anger and fear and create the shift that this world is calling us to make.
Or as Buckminster Fuller said “We are called upon to be the architects of the future, not its victims”.
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Episode 28 premieres next week, Sunday 18th July 2021.